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Messages - Murray carp

Pages: [1]
General Paddling Talk / Re: River Incident Wingecarribee river
« on: June 04, 2015, 01:52:14 AM »
Glad to hear your ok, sounds like the groups planning paid off.

Would you be prepared to tell us what you fractured and how was your pain relief? Would you change anything in your medical kit? Would you add any devices to help the crew locate you (strobe lights, Cyalume, etc)? Also was there any fee for calling out the NSW air ambulance?



Thanks for the offers, but I'm after a planning hull, and although I'd like a playboat, at the moment font have the funds or room

i take it you're not a fan. Ive just arrived back in Aus, and want one boat to play a bit a Penrith, as well as being able to do a few runs around NSW. I haven't paddled any NSW white water, but thought these boats might be a good compromise for both

G'day all

Does anyone have a scud or nano they would like to part with?


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